What’s the difference between a direct mail and a door drop campaign?

We have been at the forefront of offline marketing for a long time now, and it’s easy for us to forget that the terms we deal with every day aren’t that familiar to everyone else. Direct mail and door drop campaigns are terms often confused with each other, and it’s easy to see why; they’re both cost-effective methods for getting your message to the homes of potential customers. However, while they share some characteristics, there are also key differences, and knowing these will help decide which one’s best for your campaign.

Direct Mail is addressed mail that is posted directly to an individual. That’s it. It’s that simple. Direct mail requires the use of personal information and is highly data-driven, but it means it can also be highly personalised and targeted.

A door drop is any unaddressed communication that comes through the letterbox, including leaflets, product samples, coupons, brochures, etc. This means that door drops can’t be as targeted, so inevitably, you will end up landing on a certain percentage of none target recipients.

Based on the above, you might be wondering why you would ever choose to do door drops instead of direct mail, but there are cases where door drops might be the best option.

Why Choose door drops?

Cost. That’s one of the biggest reasons for choosing door drops over direct mail. There is a much lower cost entry point for campaigns without sacrificing volume. Because of the lower cost and the ability to post without much data, you can perform door drops with huge volume, meaning you can reach a lot of people.

It’s not all about cost and volume, though; it can be a strategic decision too. Door drops are highly effective for targeting Geo-demographic areas. If you wanted to do a direct mail piece in a particular location, you would need to get the personal data for every person while still adhering to GDPR compliance. With door drops, there’s no need; you are free to land your communications on however many doormats you want.

There’s a reason that 80% of advertisers use door drops. Research shows that once it hits the doormat, your leaflet or flyer will live in the home for between five and six days and will be interacted with around three times. While door drops don’t use specific addresses, they are more targeted than you think, using intelligent data to identify your demographics.

Companies all over the UK trust PSE with their door drop campaigns. It starts with us getting to know you and your brand so that we can put to good use our 25 years of design experience to create a door drop leaflet or flyer that will stand out on the doormat.

Find out more here

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