How to plan an effective door drop campaign

Door drops often get treated as simply the cost saving option of direct mail, but this is because many people assume they can’t be targeted or that they’re not very effective. This blog will hopefully shed some light and change a few minds and show how door drop campaigns can be effective.

Be targeted.

Of course the main thing about door drops is that they’re unaddressed mail, meaning you aren’t targeting specific people. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t still being targeted in your approach. Geographical targeting can still be highly effective depending on the type of product or service you’re advertising, especially if you have physical locations you can target around. Even without a physical location to focus on, we can build a profile of your ideal customer and target postcode areas that are likely to hold people that are likely to be a match. By carefully using data around age, income, lifestyle choices, interests etc. you can ensure your door drops are as targeted as possible.

Choose the right creative.

As door drops are landing on people’s door mats, they need to grab attention. That doesn’t mean using giant text and brash colours, it means creating something that looks compelling, something that is going to make someone pick up. That’s where an expert like PSE Offline marketing can help; helping you craft and create the messaging, look, and feel that will get you the eyeballs you need. It’s all about putting yourself in the shoes of your customer and thinking what matters most to them about your brand, what is going to pull them in?

Choose the right format.

Door drops can take a few different forms, and which one is right for you will depend on your product and service, as well as your objectives. Typically, a door drop will take one of three formats: leaflet, catalogue or sample. While door drops can be used for immediate call to actions, one of the major benefits is that they tend to stay in the home for a prolonged period of times, and are looked at on average around three times. This means they’re perfect for putting ideas in people’s heads for later dates, e.g. Christmas or summer holidays.

So now you know the basics of making door drop campaigns effective, why not let us handle it? We can take care of everything, from the basics to the complex, we’ll work with you to get the very best results possible. To find out more about door drops with PSE Offline Marketing, click here.

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