what we do – 

What is customer reactivation

Customer reactivation refers to the strategies and efforts undertaken by a business to re-engage and regain customers who have previously lapsed or churned.

Why is customer reactivation important?

A customer reactivation strategy is important for restoring the relationship with a lost customer, encouraging them to repurchase or re-engage with the product or service, and ultimately regain their loyalty. Reactivating customers is just as important as gaining new ones.

How can PSE help my business?

Our targeted reactivation campaigns help recapture lost customers by offering personalised experiences to re-engage lost customers and remind them of your brand’s value.


We analyse customer behaviour and feedback to identify reasons for churn, using these insights to understand potential issues with the product, service or previous comms.


We segment lost customers based on churn reasons, crafting targeted messaging and offers to encourage their return and re-engagement.


We design campaigns addressing lost customers’ pain points and motivations, using personalised offers, exclusive content, and targeted messaging to re-engage them effectively.


We continuously refine reactivation campaigns based on results, creating experiences that not only regain lost customers but also foster loyalty and repeat business.