At PSE we can give you a free ROI report on your planned campaign. Simply answering the questions below!


We have a proven track record of improving our client’s expected ROI. Direct mail is an avenue which continually works exceptionally well for our clients across a wide range of sectors.

If you’re looking for an agency with experience of creating strategies, planning campaigns and delivering genuine ROI from offline then we have got the talent and tech coming out of our ears. We’re neither new to this game nor stuck in the mud.

We can prove it

To get your free ROI report, get in touch with a member of the PSE team today with your answers to the first 2 or all of the questions below!

  1. What is the current size of your database?
  2. Your average order value or average checkout value?

Can we dig a little deeper?

  1. Average margin % per sale?
  2. Projected customer re-order/ retention patterns and value?
  3. Results of a previous campaign (Not essential)

For Example

Depending on your industry and product value, we would expect a response rate of between 0.7 – 1.2% for a pure recruitment piece, and even more through optimising your customer data.

To find out exactly how DM would work for you, get in touch today and we’ll advise the best methods available.


The battle of acquisition and retention

The battle of acquisition and retention

“Acquiring a customer is 5x more expensive than keeping one!” bellowed the marketing guru from centre stage at every exhibition of the 21st century. The sentiment echoes throughout the industry as it becomes engrained in every marketing strategy the world over: but...