Getting HelloFresh into their homes

HelloFresh delivers great recipes and fresh ingredients to people’s homes each week. Helping busy people cook fast healthy recipes designed by nutritionists and chefs. Their meal kits are delivered to over 1.5m homes worldwide.

The project

HelloFresh are one of the fastest-growing brands and know the power of Offline Marketing tactics when driving customer acquisition and improving customer retention. But, being such an ambitious brand, they wanted even better results on DM activity in order to exceed their growth targets. That’s where PSE came in.

They needed communications that look as good as their food to catch people’s attention, drive engagement and reinforce brand perception. We bring the HelloFresh brand to life across Direct Mail, Door drop, Partially addressed mail, Inserts both placement and hosting, branded clothing, and in-box offers.



By placing unique codes on every mail piece, we are able to easily identity where new customers were coming from and quickly learn what was working and what wasn’t.


By helping to facilitate controlled A/B testing we establish their best performing data sources, learn which offer or format works best and apply this knowledge to all mailings. Setting up this framework ensures that response rates are maximised on every campaign.


The last thing you want is a campaign that gets you in hot water. Our experience helps HelloFresh to safely manage GDPR sensitive data, hit key delivery dates even when the volumes ramp up quickly and our expert knowledge of the offline market ensures everything lands within budget.


By taking a constantly proactive approach to testing, measuring, and improving, our activity has increased performance results from 1% to 3%.

“PSE are a great resource for Hellofresh’s Direct Mail channel. They handle sensitive data, manage demanding briefs and offer support and advice in every area.”

Charlotte Youngson

Growth Marketing Lead, Hellofresh UK

Let’s start your campaign!

Contact one of our friendly team today to discuss how we can help you improve your marketing budget efficiency and generate more leads.