Our top 5 tips for lowering your campaign postage costs

Postage costs. Those two words can send shivers down any marketer’s spine. Too often it’s treated like a tax. A necessary evil that’s non-negotiable and you have no choice but to sit there and take the hit, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Here are our top tips for driving down postage costs and making your campaigns more profitable.

1. Negotiate

There are multiple postage providers and they’re keen for your business, they will always be willing to negotiate to secure your contract.

2. Piggyback

You can join forces with other companies that have big postage requirements, which will increase your bargaining power.

3. Be accurate

Ensuring you’re mailing the ideal size and weight package is vital. One gram or a millimetre too much can result in big additional costs if you’re not careful.

4. Plan. Test. Learn

Make sure you’re clear on your campaign target and build an offer and call to action around it. Run tests on smaller scales to see what works and what doesn’t. Plan ahead and establish how you will measure the success of your campaign, and importantly, how you will report on any insights and use them to optimise future campaigns.

5. Take advantage of incentive schemes

Postage incentives are always available if you’re looking to grow direct mail as a channel or test new things. The Royal Mail Growth Incentive, for example, offers clients who are looking to increase their existing postage volumes a discount of up to 20%.

Postage can feel like a minefield, but thanks to our expertise, experience and market presence, PSE are constantly helping our clients drive down the costs of their campaigns and maximise their profits. Clients like HelloFresh, who we managed to setup on the Royal Mail Incentive, saving them over £150k in just 12 months. 

If you would like our help to drive down the costs of your direct mail and boost your ROI, then get in touch today and have a chat with our team about how we can help.

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